By definition, high-rise building is one in which more than 12 floors or 35 meters.
Next, you will be able to see the town in which such buildings are the most in the world.
Hong Kong - 7.685
Sao Paulo. Brazil - 5.667
Singapore - 4.368 high-rise buildings
Moscow. Russia - 3.273
Seoul. South Korea - 2.877
Teheran. Iran - 2.804
Tokyo. Japan - 2.702
Rio de Janeiro. Brazil - 2.564
Istanbul. Turkey - 2.148
Toronto. Canada - 1.868
Saint-Petersburg. Russia - 1.770
Buenos Aires. Argentina - 1.709
Kiev. Ukraine - 1.531
London. England - 1.478
Osaka. Japan - 1.463
Mexico - 1.364
Mumbai. India - 1,223
Madrid. Spain - 1.127
Chicago. USA - 1.125
Caracas. Venezuela - 1.109
Bangkok. Thailand - 1.106
Recife. Brazil - 1.103
Santiago. Chile - 1.094
Shanghai. China - 990