Survive plane crash course
Survive plane crash course, British Airways is offering its frequent flyers the chance to trade in their air miles for a course on how to survive a plane crash.
For around £125 - the average cost of a round-trip from London to Rome - members of the airline's Executive Club can sign up for the four-hour safety session when it starts next year. Survive plane crash course,

UK airlines actually have a brilliant aviation safety record, with no British passenger jet suffering a fatal smash since 47 people died in the British Midland 737 crash in Leicestershire in 1989.

Which might beg the question of why BA finds it necessary to offer the course. The airline actually developed the passenger-training programme in response to a request by BP, which sends staff into remote areas of the world where safety standards are lower.

And studies have shown that many plane crashes are survivable, with passengers often dying in the moments after the accident. Civil Aviation Authority research actually showed that a large number of passenger struggled with the most basic task of undoing the seat belt.

Andy Clubb, the BA manager running the course, told the Independent: 'It makes passengers safer when travelling by giving additional skills and information, it dispels all those internet theories about the "brace position" and it just gives people so much more confidence in flying.' Survive plane crash course,

Source: aol

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