Crack pipe brought to show & tell

by Adil | 10:21 AM in |

Crack pipe brought to show & tell, A Sweet Springs, MO kindergartener brought his mother's crack pipe to show-and-tell on Sept. 6. Sadly, the crack pipe wasn't the only thing the kindergartener brought to school. He also brought some of his mother's crystal meth. Unfortunately, it seems the little tyke was rather proud and fascinated with the items.

Superintendent Donna Wright said, "He was very excited when he got to school. But I don't think he knew what he had."

However, the child's teacher realized what he had and didn't allow him to show or talk about it. Instead, the teacher notified authorities. Wright said, "It didn't ever get into the classroom. It was shocking. We're not experienced with dealing with this."

Officers followed up on the incident and arrested the kindergartener's 32-year-old mother, Michelle Cheatham, on drug charges. She was later able to post bail and is now free. Teachers and school authorities weren't the only ones shocked by what happened.

Police Chief Richard Downing said, "That was a first for show-and-tell in this town."

The town of Sweet Springs is very small with only 1,500 residents. There's little doubt this kindergartener will forever be shamed by his mother's drug habit and by the fact he brought her crack pipe and meth to school. That is one mistake that will forever haunt him and her unless they move elsewhere and she gets help with her druggie ways.

via: gather

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